Whether you’re going alcohol-free temporarily or as part of addiction recovery, social support can be a critical aspect of sticking with it. Mutual support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be helpful, but some people don’t find the 12-step approach compatible with their beliefs and needs. So take some time to familiarize yourself with other types of support; the pandemic has led to the rise of virtual options that increase accessibility beyond what you can access in person. You also may start to realize that alcohol was a bigger part of some of your relationships than you thought. And some people may not be supportive of your decision to be alcohol-free.
You’ll become a badass
- Like we were like the only stop in Philly on their delivery route, right?
- Or, changed the ways in which people socialize with and without alcohol.
- And one of the biggest drivers of the nonalcoholic market actually are people who still drink.
- When you go without alcohol for an extended period of time – whether it’s six weeks, or two months, or whatever – you’ll likely end up in some social situations where you’d normally drink.
- I am a much happier and healthier person to be around, and that makes a difference.
People are just, I think, some people are wondering what they’re paying for if they’re not paying for the alcoholic component. I actually decided to also go zero proof in October of 2022 and do not regret it one bit. But Elva, to the point that Emily made, and actually Ariel the owner of the Volstead recovery group games in Philadelphia, the different kinds of zero proof drinks are very much in different phases of development. Spirits are taking off, but I think at least in the UK, we’ve been a little slower on the zero-proof wine. And that’s one thing where the taste and the mouthfeel perhaps aren’t quite there yet.
When you quit, your body can reset its natural sleep cycle, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep. This improvement in sleep helps your body and mind recharge, boosts your immune system, sharpens cognitive function, and leaves you feeling less fatigued during the day. Better sleep can quickly improve your energy and mood, making it one of the most immediately noticeable effects of quitting alcohol.
What to know before you quit drinking.
By removing alcohol from the equation, you’re giving yourself a safer, more stable life. Client-centered detox, residential, and outpatient care for individuals facing drug and alcohol addiction, located on a private estate in San Diego. Treating addiction and dual diagnoses with evidence-based, holistic, and personalized treatment plans in a safe and comfortable environment.
When you quit alcohol, you’ll notice immediately how much money you’re saving. And it’s not just about the drinks—you’re also less likely to spend money on things like late-night takeout or face unexpected costs, like medical bills or legal fees, tied to drinking. You can put the money you save toward important financial goals like paying off debt, building savings, or making meaningful purchases, giving yourself the gift of a more secure financial future. As a sobriety coach, I often notice my clients experience positive career changes as they cut out drinking. With greater energy and productivity levels, they’re able to reach new career heights.
Health Challenges
When I was brain fog from alcohol boozing, weekends passed by in a blur of drinking and feeling hungover. Before I knew it, Monday morning had rolled round and I was moaning about not having enough time off. When you’re alcohol-free, you have 24 quality hours in a day. My relationships with my close friends and family have improved tremendously. I am a much happier and healthier person to be around, and that makes a difference.
Improved Relationships With Loved Ones
Getting rid of alcohol was the portal to living my best life, the complete opposite of what I was expecting. I am so excited to share a few reasons why I love living an alcohol-free lifestyle. From my own experience, I’ve learned that thriving in sobriety is about more than just avoiding cravings. It’s about developing new coping skills and staying connected to your deepest values and goals. Sobriety is more than just saying no to alcohol—it’s about what is central nervous system depression building a life you truly love without it. And even if your symptoms are mild, consider getting help to make you more comfortable.
A Southern California detox and residential program offering personalized, evidence-based treatment in a tech-friendly and pet-friendly atmosphere.
You may be surprised to learn that alcohol is one of the only substances with the potential for life-threatening withdrawal. And many people also don’t realize that you can experience withdrawal symptoms even if you were only drinking a couple of drinks a day, or not even every day. The social trends of “Dry January” and “Sober October” have challenged people to stop drinking for a month to decrease their tolerance, improve their health, and get a different perspective on their drinking.